


R-Kelly said to step in the name of love I on the other hand ran in the name of love. That’s right! I spent my Valentine’s Day running Hot Chocolate 15K in Nashville and it was indeed the sweetest race I could have ran. Now, I vowed that I would NEVER run hot chocolate again after running Hot chocolate in the ATL January 2014. Talk about knock out brutal. The hills of ATL were absolutely ridiculous. I cursed the entire 9.2 miles and once I crossed the finished line I told myself “never again” they can have it! Then Hot Chocolate wanted to get even fancier and for 2015 they would offer THE BLING! Wait! So I’ll get a cool zip up hoodie and a medal? I am now seriously contemplating on running this but NOT in the ATL.


With the help of my good friends of the elite runner usher board #9 I was convinced to run Hot Chocolate in Nashville and I am so glad that I did. If your looking to run a hot chocolate race I strongly recommend running hot chocolate Nashville. I am not a chocolate fan by any means and they offer such delicious sweet chocolate treats on course so that should be a winner for you chocolate lovers. However, running the course was great! There were some inclines however nothing that a little hill training won’t do to help you to tackle those inclines like a pro.


While, everyone else was love bugged up on the one day of the year that’s dedicated to love. I laced up my shoes and braved the cold for my very first race of 2015. This race was so remarkably sweet for me that I PR’d. I finished in 1:44:24 this year and last year I completed hot chocolate ATL in 1:51:55 so I was able to shave of 7 min’s of my time. Talk about improvement considering I had NOT trained or even really ran since November 23, 2014.
I’m competitive by heart and I was a little bummed out that I had ONLY completed my race in 1:44 and not in 1:40 but I was quickly reminded that after all the life altering changes that have taken place in my life since November my time was considerably good. While, most of you received roses, chocolate, candy and fancy dinners and considerable amazing gifts. In my heart I was truly winning because I was able to spend my Valentine’s Day doing what I love to do and I was able to spend it with the most craziest group of run bud’s ever!


Laughter is good for your soul and I laughed a considerable amount on Friday and Saturday. Let me tell you that you must surround yourself around like minded people because you never know who you might meet and who you may build great friendships with.


#HC15K Nashville…I’ll do it all over again next year you should join me.